Should you go to a chiropractor after suffering a car accident injury? Should you get a massage? Or perhaps go to the gym to work out the pain or get other types of physical therapy? Should you take stronger and stronger pain killers when lower doses do not seem to work?
Our unique approach to injuries incorporates all three healing approaches.... Chiropractic, professional massage therapy and physical therapy modalities (such as spinal traction or laser therapy) all aid in the healing process. All these therapies combined in one office is the best resource to recovery from auto accidents and even work place injuries (like whiplash, neck or back pain). Free consultation is available. Call 360-567-1739
Wade D. Burbank, DC
6403 NE 117th Ave Suite 109
Vancouver WA 98662
Ph 360-567-1739
*specialist in auto accident injuries and work place injury recovery (L&I)